Newton Workshop at FabLab Madrid CEU: 3D Printing in Ceramics

A group of high-school students attended to the Workshop “3D Printing in Ceramics” at FabLab Madrid CEU. The workshop was held as part of the experiments that are carried out for the Newton Pilot B. The challenge was the design and fabrication of ceramics using a 3D Printer and a new material (PLA: filament with sandstone and binding polymer) that creates a ceramic surface finishing. Varying the extrusion temperature the surfaces are more or less rough and it is appropriate for decorative pieces.

The exploration of the new complex geometries that are possible to manufacture thanks to 3D printing and the various possibilities of surface finish featuring this new material will allow to create innovative ceramic pieces.

New experiments using molds for the fabrication of ceramics will be held in the following weeks at Fablab Madrid CEU.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 688503.