CEU-San Pablo University is a non-profit private academic Institution with almost 9000 students and 960 teaching staff with a strong commitment in favour of excellence in teaching and research. Its broad and intense research activity is demonstrated by the 120 research projects developed by its 40 research groups integrated in its 5 Faculties, School of Engineering, Institutes and research centres. Fifty of them include research projects with public funding and 30 of them include research projects with private funding. The high commitment with innovation and excellence in teaching and research has been recently recognized by the Madrid Community Government that awarded the Fundación Universitaria San Pablo-CEU with the gold medal to excellence, and strengthened by the participation in joint international programmes such as the “Plato Programme” in collaboration with Harvard University.
CEU-San Pablo University has been participating in several European projects of the Marie Curie and Framework Programmes such as PERLIP, HYCHAIN, and PINET and has invested more than 3.5 M€ for the creation of two new research centres, the IMMA and the CEMBIO, as well as 15 M€ invested in internal initiatives to support research (fellowships for young researchers, internal grants, research mobilities, etc.). In the technical field, CEU-San Pablo University has a rich experience in collaborating with foreign universities. Notable, among these, is the collaboration with the Vrije University Brussel in research fields related to distributed embedded systems, embedded security, and real-time systems.
Dr. Gianluca Cornetta (Male) received his Ph.D. in electronic engineering by Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona (Spain) in 2001, and his M.Sc. in electronic engineering by Turin Polytechnic (Italy) in 1995. He is an Associate Professor at San Pablo-CEU University of Madrid since 2010, an invited professor of the ACE Master of the ISEP-Paris since 2009, and a research fellow at ETRO-Vrije Universiteit Brussel since 2010. Prior to joining San Pablo-CEU University in 2003, he was a R&D Engineer at Infineon Technologies Gmbh, Munich (Germany), working on embedded flash memory design for the automotive and industrial market, and at Tecsidel S.A, working on real-time distributed embedded systems. He has published several papers in international journals and conferences, six book chapters, and five books. He is also the editor of the Book “Wireless Radio-Frequency Standards and System Design: Advanced Techniques”, that published by IGI-Global (Hershey, PA). He has participated in many research and industrial projects, and was the principal researcher of B-MICS project (Battlefield-Medical Information Carrier System), funded by the Central Hospital of Defence Gómez Ulla, and “Low-Cost, Low-Power, Software-Defined Radio Architectures for Patient Tracking Systems Based on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks” project, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Dr. Cornetta participates as a reviewer for several international journals and conferences, and the ANEP (the National Agency for Project Evaluation).
Ms. Covadonga Lorenzo
Ms. Covadonga Lorenzo (Female) received her Diploma of Architect from Madrid Polytechnic School of Architecture (UPM) in 2001 as well as an Advance Diploma in Cooperation for the Development of Human Settlements in the Third World by the same university, her MDA (Master in Architectural Design) at Navarra University in 2002 and her Fab Academy Diploma by the Center for Bits and Atoms at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2012. She is currently finishing her PhD in Architectural Design in Madrid Polytechnic School of Architecture (UPM).
Epifanio Lorenzo
FabLab Madrid CEU Manager,Fab Academy Instructor (CBA, Massachussetts Institute of Technology). Fablab Manager at Fablab Madrid CEU (Institute of Technology, Universidad San Pablo CEU)