NEWTON Consortium meeting in Bucharest, Romania

The 4th NEWTON Consortium meeting was hosted by University of Bucharest in sunny Bucharest, Romania, between 11th and 13th of September 2017. In addition to the consortium meeting, the EU reviewed the NEWTON project progress, which has now reached its halfway point.

In the meeting, each of the 8 Work Package leader partners presented a summary of the work carried out in the past 18 months, current status and future plans, followed by discussions with and suggestions by the other partners.

Status updates and discussions were followed by presentations by the different working groups, which have been formed based on the expertise of the NEWTON partners. Exciting demonstrations were given by working groups on Fab Labs (by partners CEU, BYD and DCU), Multi/mulsemedia content delivery (by BRUNEL and DCU), Personalisation and adaptation (by NCI, DCU, ADA and KTEC), AR/VR content and Special learner support (by SIVECO, UBU, ATOS-SK, DCU, BRUNEL and KTEC), Gamification and game-based learning (by BYD, QUI, WLP and DCU), Virtual labs (by STUBA, SIVECO, DCU, ADA and KTEC) and finally Pedagogical Contributions and Assessment (by ATOS-ARI, NCI, UBU, ADA and STUBA).

The Consortium meeting finished with the next meeting in sight, which will take place in Brunel University in London, UK, in March 2018. The focus was largely also on the developments over the coming 18 months, and future projects and possibilities stemming from the NEWTON project.