Newton Experiment at FabLab Madrid CEU: 3D Printing Mini-Rockets

A group of 15 year old students have participated in one of the Newton experiments carried out at FabLab Madrid CEU. The experiment took place from July, 10th to 14th  and was related to the use of 3D Printing Technologies to fabricate minirockets.

During the first session an aeronautical engineer have explained students how to design mini-rockets using Physics and Maths to calculate the dimensions of the rocket and to predict the trajectory.

 After that, students had to design the mini-rocket shape in a 3D software and finally they fabricated them using 3D printer machines. During the last session students launched their mini-rockets in the airdrome to test them in a competition where it was evaluated the high and trajectory of the mini-rockets.

The experiment has tried to evaluate the potential of digital fabrication technologies to create a rich educational environment to be used as learning tools for K-12 students.