NEWTON NCI Partner Presented a Research Paper at BMSB 2017 Conference

Last week NCI partner attended the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB 2017), in Cagliari, Italy. (

Here NCI presented a new research paper titled “QoE-aware Video Resolution Thresholds Computation for Adaptive Multimedia”

ABSTRACT. Multimedia streaming to mobile devices is one of the main sources of network congestion. As bandwidth requirements are continually increasing and users are becoming more quality-aware, there is a growing need for QoE-aware multimedia adaptations solutions. This paper presents a novel mechanism for automatic computation of quality threshold values up to which the video resolution can be decreased while still maintaining a predefined QoE level. The mechanism uses full-reference objective VQA metrics and rules for mapping their values to the subjective MOS scale. The results of a subjective study show that mapping rules for VQA metrics such as PSNR, SSIM and VIFp provide up to 72.22% exact MOS level match accuracy across different categories of multimedia clips. Moreover, accurate resolution threshold computation requires careful selection of the mapping rule to balance the under and overestimation of subjective video quality.