NEWTON Project Research teams from Dublin City University and National College of Ireland had a great presence at the World Congress on Education with four posters:
“Using Innovative Technology-rich NEWTON Project Solutions to Improve Student Learning Experience” authored by project coordinator Gabriel-Miro Muntean, together with and Dan Zhao, Diana Bogusevschi and Cristina Muntean
“Earth Course Large-Scale Pilot: Knowledge Acquisition and Learner Motivation Case Study” authored by NEWTON project manager Diana Bogusevschi, together with Gabriel-Miro Muntean
“The NEWTON Project Gamification Engine”, authored by Dan Zhao with Mohammed Amine Togou, Diana Bogusevschi and Gabriel-Miro Muntean
“Enhancing Students’ Learning Experience with a DASH-Based Multimedia Delivery System”, authored by Mohammed Amine Togou together with Ting Bi and Gabriel-Miro Muntean